Views: 1148 Author: CLW GROUP OFFICE Publish Time: 2019-02-21 Origin: Site
Urgent Notification/紧急声明
Herein we notify all customer, the former Foreign Marketing Executive Mr. Yang Li (Chinese Name: Yangli, Male, ID No.: 420114198006193930, Mobile No.: +8618672998342), former Foreign Sales Shirley Fu( Chinese Name: Fu Li, Female, ID No.: 42088119920420252X,Mobile No.: +8613545064324), former Foreign Sales Jacky Ke (Chinese Name:Ke Dong, Male, ID No.: 420222199406122074 Mobile No.: +8613667212560) , Former Foreign Sales Eric Cen(Chinese Name: Cen Yuan, Male, ID No.:421125198403290312 , Mobile No.: +8618607158551) , have already been fired by our company, as they using company's resources, leaking company data and steal company's customer information, all above acts and conducts were submitted to the local police department for investigation. All business activities of above three person are all personal acts, which have no any connection with our company. Please be well noted on this to avoid any loss. If you have been contacted, please inform us in the first time.
CHENGLI SPECIAL AUTOMOBILE CO.,LTD didnot have any HONGKONG branch company, HONGKONG account or authorized hongking company as beneficiary for business. All the Chengli's account are in China mainland. Bank of China is the only USA beneficiary bank for all the exporting business.
兹有我公司外贸部总监杨力(男 身份证号:420114198006193930 手机号:+8618672998342)在我公司任职期间,利用职务之便,伙同员工付莉(女 身份证号:42088119920420252X 手机号:+8613545064324)柯栋(男 身份证号:420222199406122074 手机号:+8613667212560), 岑圆(男,身份证号:421125198403290312 手机号:+8618607158551)侵占公司资源,泄露公司数据,破坏公司财物; 同时伙同公司内部人员与外部勾结,窃取公司客户信息,已经由我公司法务部交当地公安经侦部门立案侦查。以上四人的行为皆属个人行为,一切与本公司无关,望各位新老客户引起注意,以免自己的财产受到损失。如有以本公司名义进行业务活动的行为,请及时告知本公司。
Best Regards,
Chengli Special Automobile Co., Ltd
20TH, February, 2019